Just poor men with rich ideas. . .

Wow like what the f*cking f*ck! (a good intro, i suppose. But thats how i truly feel right now)
It’s like no one wants me to go anywhere. It seems, the Universe either doesn’t want me to leave home at all, or not so soon.
I tried twice with two different options of funding for school, and failed twice. My third and perhaps final option is my own funding.
Which means, work, work, work. and after work, is more work, but hopefully with school work. I could possibly make about 5grand
over the summer. But still not enough for august start date, without funding. So I’m thinking 2012 start date. which is January 4th
I believe. I did the math and i could possibly come up with atleast 10-15 grand. still need funding. So with my savings i hope they
give me student loans. Please understand my situation. I will do my best, blood sweat and tears (literally) .
I don’t come from a rich(wealthy) family, but we’re pretty comfortable. Not exactly struggling, but we go through some rough times.
Me and my brother are just poor men, with rich ideas. I hope to atleast make things for my other brother, and little sister easier
to get into what they want to go into after H.S. And we come from a family of artists pretty much. My mom was an artist, and history enthusiast.
My papa was a hockey player (a form of art). Those combine makes up for an amazing children and big dreams, I suppose.
We’re just stuck I suppose. I hope to build our family into something other families in our situation, look forward, and that it can be done.
I want to put our name on a map somewhere (anywhere), and not just another family who accepts the laws of status and keep our place.

It’s been said that the past is what defines us, well that’s not true for all of us. Some of us see ourselves in the future, we’re artists. And this, this is where our future begins. Where were currently at. Where your currently at. The bottom, from scratch. Just our rich ideas, and dreams.